Our Companies are based in Yangon, Myanmar, started in 2010. We have founded with over 30 years talented and experienced Professionals and always apply the new technologies for our customers’ satisfactions.
In 2010, Myanmar Economic system was changed from Government Sector to Private Sector. Most of the Professionals from Ministry of Industry (2) – MICS (Myanmar Industrial Construction Services) business were transformed to our Company and get opportunities to take responsibility for factory set up, renovation, installation and construction of factories.
With over 30 factories and over 100 buildings such as pagodas, houses, high rise buildings, hospitals, clinics, hotels and universities were supplied to our local and foreign customers in Myanmar. We rent out construction machineries, heavy machineries and also provide the transportation services to our customers.
Our Promise To You
- Build Working Relationships that creates trust, good will and respect
- Fast delivery & superior quality
- Innovative design
- Worth pricing
- Safety & craftmenship
- Achieving the status of Good player in Myanmar Construction Market.
- Delivering secure and affordable, time-definite transportation, Logistic and supply chain services through our Country.
Our Mission
- To offer customers’ requirement in design & fabrication to meet their exact building expectation.
- Focus on quality rather than quantity.
- Treating our customers with courtesy and respect.
- Management, front line managers role as a coach to upgrade field force competency.
- Safety delivering products and services for our customers.
Organization Structure

Key Performance by Yearly Basic

Zaw Htet Paing Engineering & Construction Group Co.,Ltd
No.288(A/B),Ngwekyaryan,12-str,3 Qt, South Okkalapa Tsp,Yangon,Myanmar.
Tel : (95-1)3500514 / 516
Email : construction@zawhtetpaing.com

Sein Shwe Hteik Tann Construction Co.,Ltd
No.288(A/B),Ngwekyaryan,12-str,3 Qt, South Okkalapa Tsp,Yangon,Myanmar.
Tel : (95-1)3500514 / 516
Email : construction@zawhtetpaing.com

Chan Myae Myittar Hospital
No.53,Kyaik Kauk Pagoda St,Thauk Taw Twin Qt,Thanlyin,myanmar.
Tel : (95-9)251798126,
056-21769, 056-22600.
Email : chanmyaemitta@gmail.com